Meh...102.5 Kgs x 5 Paused-ish Bench Press. New Rep PR?

2 years ago

Man, I was really thinking I was going to crush it, today. My warm ups and working sets went great, and I felt totally confident this top set would go well, and I could net a PR. However, once again when I got to my top set, I essentially choked. I botched my arch set up, the unracking went bad, and was super laborious, and my form/performance was super off, and I had a lot of trouble keeping my upper back tight, and retracting my scapula. From reps 3 onwards the "pause" durations were pretty crap too, with the last one essentially being a touch n' go. I totally lost my focus on pausing sufficiently, as I was struggling so much with everything else. This is technically a PR of sorts, as my previous best with this weight was four reps (paused reps were way better then, though), however I am not all that happy with the performance of this set, today. I thought of going for a sixth rep, but judging by how poorly the set had already went, and how slow the last rep moved, I don't think I would have made it, so I called it there. I might take it easy with my squatting tomorrow, to try and save some energy, for the upcoming final week of this cycle.

Song: "Mechanize" - Fear Factory

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