KASH PATEL "The Plot against the King" PROMOTION Scotty Films

1 year ago

"Let's put this amazing book in every school in America!"
- Donald J. Trump
The Plot Against the King: Part 2: 2,000 Mules

Written by Kash Patel, in collaboration with Dinesh D'Souza
Kash Patel tells the fantastical story of how two inquisitive minds, Dinesh and Debbie, search for the truth and uncover evidence of a terrible scheme to elect Sleepy Joe instead of King Donald on Choosing Day.

Come join Dinesh and Debbie as they try to answer some troubling questions:

- Why did the counting stop in the middle of the night?
- Why were there more votes than people in the Kingdom?
- And what is up with all the glowing poo?

Made in Texas, USA

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