10 Foods To Help You Sleep Better & Faster At Night

1 year ago

If you're struggling to fall asleep at night, you're not alone. According to the National Sleep Foundation, 50-70 million adults in the United States have trouble sleeping.

There are many reasons why insomnia is so common today. One of the most important reasons is the amount of stress that people experience in their daily lives. Stress can come from work, family, and other aspects of life. It can be difficult to relax and fall asleep when you're feeling stressed.

Another reason why insomnia is common is because of the use of electronic devices. The blue light that emits from electronic screens can interfere with your body's natural sleep cycle. This can make it difficult to fall asleep at night.

caffeine is also a common cause of insomnia. Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep you awake and make it difficult to fall asleep.

Overall, there are many reasons why insomnia is so common today. If you're struggling to sleep, it's important to identify the causes of your insomnia and take steps to address them.

While there are many things you can do to help improve your sleep quality, what you eat (or don't eat) can also play a role.

In today's video, we'll share 10 foods that can help you fall asleep fast. so keep watching up to end.

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