Are the F-22 Raptors retired?

1 year ago

Are the F-22 Raptors retired?

Congress should stop the Air Force from retiring F-22s.
As China looms, the Heritage Foundation's JV Venable argues for saving 33 F-22s from the chopping block.

As the Air Force tries to balance long-term strategy with short-term budgets, it plans to slice some F-22s from the already slender fleet to help pay for next generation platforms. In the below op-ed, however, The Heritage Foundation’s JV Venable argues that’s a mistake the Air Force can’t afford to make in today’s perilous geopolitical environment.

The F-22 Raptor is an amazing aircraft. Its stealth faculties, coupled with its unmatched maneuvering and super cruise capabilities, make it the most dominant air-to-air fighter in the world. Yet, the Air Force wants to retire 33 of these jets because upgrading them would cost money they’d rather use to develop future systems.

It is a false choice, and in the face of growing threats from America’s adversaries, Congress needs to act to stop the retirement.

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