The Hijab Revolt: Brave Iranian Women and their Men

1 year ago

Violation of Human Dignity is Barbaric and Evil, Regardless!

Brave women and their men in Iran:

1- A Brave Iranian woman is seen sitting without a headscarf right next to security forces who could arrest her for violating forced barbaric hijab rule. This reminds me all those brave people, who were walking in front of the Western democracy's thugs and goons without facial diapers and refused to be clot-shot!

2- A woman sits on top of utility box and cuts her hair in main square in Kerman to protest death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest by the morality police. People, their men clap their hands to support the brave woman and chant “Death to the dictator.”

3- Women gather together and burn their hijab in protest with the support of their men.

-Well, some retarded pseudo "anti-imperialists" might say that MOSSAD and CIA are behind this "hijab revolution". I say, even if it were true. So be it! I still strongly support these women and their men.
-It's the dickhead ruling Mullahs and their ilk are to blame. It's them, the Muslim retarded rulers, who disrespect their women's right and dignity and the general well-being of their common people in the name of religion and God, are the criminals, who must be overthrown and hung!

-As an anarchist, I am in solidarity with and support every struggle and every courage act of the oppressed against every form of oppressor, any type of ruler, regardless!

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