Obama's Scandal-Free Administration

1 year ago

Obama's Scandal-Free Administration

altCensored Video List:

Deep State Scandal: Obama Wiretapping Trump Will Be Worse Than Watergate
Simon Harris
Published on Mar 6, 2017

Obama Surveillance: UN Ambassador Samantha Power, the Unmasker
AW Media
Published on Jul 29, 2017

Obama Political Surveillance, spying on Republican presidential campaigns. UN Ambassador Samantha Power, the Unmasker, personally requested that the names of American citizens be unmasked, along with communist Brennan and Susan Rice Deep State.Thanks to Rep. Devin Nunez, Chair of the Intelligence Committee, for releasing this information. I have 2 questions:
1. Why did she request the unmasking?
2. Who authorized it? There has to be someone at the top of the food chain who authorized it -

Restore the Republic - You are An American
Linc Austin
Published on May 22, 2013

As we learn more information about the three big scandals surrounding the Obama administration, it is clear that leaders in our government are no longer acting as public servants who accountable to the people. Benghazi, the IRS' targeting and harassment of conservative groups and the Department of Justice's tapping of press phones and emails all contain evidence of government oppression and corruption. Lies are running rampant among those that lead our nation. We must press congress to hold these responsible parties accountable. If we do not, our republic is forever doomed as government then has the green light to act above the law.

Take the pledge, #restoretherepublic, and ask your friends, senators and congressmen and women to do the same. It is time to restore honor and morality to our government.

Schiff Makes Case for Impeaching Obama for Recess Appointments and IRS Scandal
Joseph Bell
Published on Jul 30, 2020

Former President Obama appointed 32 people to senior positions without first seeking Senate confirmation. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that some of those appointments were unconstitutional - an unlawful abuse of a president's recess appointments powers. Still, the Obama administration was never held accountable for these unconstitutional recess appointments nor the IRS' targeting of politically conservative groups.

The Obama Justice Department and IRS stonewalled the investigation, refusing to answer legitimate questions. Though Louis Lerner denied any wrongdoing, she invoked the Fifth Amendment at a Congressional hearing. Two months after pleading the Fifth, Lerner admitted, during an American Bar Association (ABA) meeting, that conservative groups were targeted because of their titles and beliefs.

Approximately one year later, with the investigation ongoing, Obama was asked by Bill O'Reilly whether the IRS engaged in any corruption.

"Not even a smidgen of corruption," Obama told O'Reilly.

In 2017, the Justice Department agreed to settle the matter, paying $3.5M to the Tea Party and other conservative groups that were wronged.

In a statement regarding the settlement, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said, "The First Amendment prohibits the federal government from treating groups differently based solely on their viewpoint or ideology."

#TheLyinKing - The 12 Most #ScandalFree Moments in #Obama's Scandal-Free Admin - A #MusicalMeme
RAW Q Boswin
Published on Mar 11, 2018

@BarackObama is THE LYINʼ KING and @realDonaldTrump knows EVERYTHING! Here's a BUNCH of potential issues that might pop up for #BarrySoetoro. I could only squeeze 12 "Embarrassing Obama Moments in this Video meme, though there are soooo many more... #QAnon

Hey Guys! Check out and SHARE this new video meme I made based upon #QAnon info combined with my original baroque style classical music.

Barack Obama was a very BAD BOY while he was in office.Some might even crown him "The Lyin' KING". And when I say "some" I mean "ME"...

#QAnon has revealed many secrets about the DARK, SINISTER and TREASONOUS actions of the entire OBAMA Administration. 8 years of anarchy were to be followed by 8 more under the HRC Admin...

She was going to finish the job that Hussein started. (Not to mention the Bush Cabal) I decided to put together another Video Meme focusing on the Obama scandals that he brushed off as "not too embarrassing". I dealt with "EMBARRASSMENTS" that I could come up with, just off the top of my head. I came up with 12 and the song ended. THERE IS SO MUCH MORE!

I need to stay very busy making more Video Memes if I intend to cover all of Hussein's Embarrassing moments, but I will do anything to help the #Patriots and #GreatAwakening. #TheStormHasArrived #DrtainTheSwamp #FreeTheInternet #InternetBillofRights #PizzaGateisReal
Connect with me on Twitter: @TrumpCanuck

MUCH Love!
RAW Boswin

P.S. The pace of this video is very quick, so feel free to PAUSE it to glean more info.
Track Name: The Lyin' King
© 2020 RAW Q Boswin (SOCAN)

The Obama Scandal Chronicles
The River Mersey
Published on Jun 12, 2013

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