3 Creepy Stories | Woman Trapped By Creep In Corner Of Store | Reddit Stories from r/LetsNotMeet

1 year ago

Today's first story is about how a twenty one year old female and five other friends had to deal with a mentally unstable male who they had known sense elementary school. When the story teller was younger, they had met a girl named Jessica who was a nice friend. One day the story teller and her friends were invited to Jessica's birthday party, however after arriving, Jessica never arrived. Sense they were kids, they never really questioned this. After the birthday party, the story tellers friend started receiving weird presents on their door by Jessica's father who is named Richard. As the story teller and her group of friends grew up, they went their separate ways but what re-united them one day was when they received a bunch of disturbing messages on Facebook all in a singular group chat from Richard. After receiving these messages they reported them to the police. They eventually all get a no contact order from Richard, however law enforcement fails to add the story tellers name to the list. The story teller continues to receive odd gifts, even some of them being sent to her work place. Law enforcement eventually catch him and arrest him. The second story is about how a 25 year old male moves into a new apartment and eventually starts to notice that his apartment neighbors constantly argue and fight. He meets one of the people from the couple who is named Chris and the story teller notices something off about him. Over the few months of living there, eventually he comes home to seeing Chris yelling and screaming with three officers pinning him down out of his apartment. He comes to realize Chris and his "partner" we're all the same person all along. The third story is about how a woman who is working at a store at the register is greeted by a old creepy man with a long beard. Eventually the story teller is restocking items on the shelves when the man comes and asks her for a trash bin. She asks him to follow her into the back where the trashcans were. They both get there and she can't find one, but the creepy man sort of blocks her way from leaving. The creepy man then says "You're really cute, you know that?" The story teller lies and says they're customers waiting for her and she leaves him. The creepy man leaves the store and is never seen again.

My subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ToxicSkullX/

0:18 Story 1
7:04 Story 2
11:44 Story 3

Original posts:

Story 1: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/64mzyl/my_childhood_friends_father/

Story 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9h59ow/chris_and_rick/

Story 3: https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/9qx91z/trapped_in_my_stock_room_by_a_creeper/

If you wish to post your own stories for me to narrate in future videos, post them on my subreddit or email them to me! Make sure they are neat and have good grammar, otherwise I will ignore them.


Hello everyone. Today I will be narrating three disturbing reddit posts that I found from the r/LetsNotMeet subreddit. If you wish to put your own stories for my videos on my subreddit, it would be much appreciated. I hope you enjoy this one, consider liking and subscribing and leaving a comment, positive or negative. Constructive criticism is always nice as well.

I am always grateful for your appreciation to my channel and its content. From subscriptions, to likes, to ratings, all is appreciated. Thank you and have a wonderful day.


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