1 year ago

Democrats in the US are delivering something truly unprecedented in all of human history – a police state without police.

#politics #trump #fbi

Police states are authoritarian regimes that target and arrest political opponents, suppress speech deemed “offensive,” and employ powerful government agencies to monitor and control every aspect of citizens’ lives. Life under a police state is a lot like that famous song by the 1980s band, coincidentally called “The Police” – every move you make, every step you take, they’ll be watching you.

Of course, no clear-thinking person would ever want to live in a police state. However, police states have on occasion received support from the populace. The sales pitch for a police state was essentially giving up your liberties for security in return. There was some truth to that. Under a police state, you have to worry about the government coming for you. But violent street crimes by civilians were generally not common.

Democrats, however, have managed to combine some of the worst aspects of the police state without that tiny bit of upside. Ashton explains how.

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