放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★28

1 year ago

放鬆的心靈音樂|Relaxing Music • Sleep Music,Relaxing Music, Meditation Music★28



How to meditate best
Meditation is a kind of meditation, and it is a compulsory course for Buddhist disciples, which is what we usually call meditation. For us ordinary people, I personally think it is also very necessary.
Especially in the current society, due to various reasons, people's hearts are more impetuous, and the accompanying mental illnesses are also more frequent, and we call them "sub-health". In this regard, both Chinese and Western medicine have no solution, and meditation can be regarded as a way of treatment.

I would like to introduce my immature experience as follows, with a view to sharing it with my colleagues.
When I was young, I was engaged in writing work. Every time I brewed something, I often sat in front of the writing desk in the dead of night, my eyes were slightly closed, my whole body was relaxed, my nose was breathing, my body and mind were completely calm, and I entered the so-called "object-self". In the realm of "two forgets", when the needles of the horseshoe watch on the table are reached, the voice becomes more and more grand, and the momentum is like a galloping horse. The mind is clear and the eyes are clear, the writing is flowing, and an article is completed in one go. The kind of comfort, beyond words can describe.
Of course, meditation varies from person to person, and there is no set rule.
Today, I still meditate at night for more than half an hour. It's different from before. The main thing is to completely calm yourself down and completely relax your body and mind, so as to achieve the purpose of resting your mind and cultivating your mind. I can feel my slight breathing, which is clearly audible. The sound of cars in the city is like the sound of nature, floating in waves from a distant place, like "Jun Tian Guang Le", that feeling is really wonderful. Go to bed, sleep peacefully, and have a dark and sweet dream, until the rising sun comes to the window. Start your busy day refreshed and refreshed.
Friends, please give it a try. Once you enter the state of meditation, it is really comfortable and inexplicable, and the result must be beneficial to our physical and mental health.

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