Closed Circuit Selling - Original examples

1 year ago

Everyone likes a good origin story.
Here two completely unrelated industries became the testing ground for what became the frameworks of #ClosedCircuitSelling

That I have taken, tested , rinsed repeat to multiple industry sectors.

Knowing where the commercial leverage is, where the access gate is, is pivotal, and most organisations get this wrong.

So they are literally in essence paying for $250k administration clerks. Big statement.

🚫This is not for you, if you don’t believe in Revenue Alignment.

🚫This is not for you, if you want to spam your total addressable market.

🚫This is not for you, if you want to have a “silo’d” approach and clunky handovers to make your prospects wish they hadn’t engaged with you.

🚫This if not for you, if you want to continue paying departments more than you need to.

Are you…
Ready to stop playing small? 
Ready to up your game? 

#ClosedCircuitSelling and our frameworks is that answer. 

We are your fast track to revenue alignment, and better smarter, flatter business. 

If we can’t solve your business problem, we will connect you with who can. Simple as that. 

Demand + Outbound Actions = Revenue

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