VIDEO - The true Papacy and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretics...

1 year ago

Video publication produced and published by the true Holy Apostolic See on the Feast of St. Matthew, Apostle...21 September 2022 AD...

The true Papacy and the IPSO FACTO excommunicated sedevacantist heretics...Official Publication of the true Holy Apostolic See...21 September 2022 this publication from the rightful Sovereign Pontiff His Holiness Pope Jacobus I the so called sedevacantist heresy and its misguided and deceiving proponents and their latest heretical inventions are infallibly condemned by the true Supreme Pastor of the real Roman Catholic Church, not only that Papacy is de-Fide and thus obligatory to obey for all true Catholics, but that those who as heretics make up new and thus invalid Church laws and fraudulent doctrines regarding the Papacy and how the situation today must be truthfully declared (as the eternal salvation of souls depends on it), these notorious heretics, excommunicated as they are, in their vastly out of control and thus rampant dishonesty and their unhinged machinations of intentional deception, using their fraudulent deceiving heretical opinions, have succeeded to mislead many souls into believing this horrible diabolically concocted heresy, and this true Holy Apostolic See therefore vigorously condemns this heresy as harmful to Catholic souls and leading such misguided souls away from God and thus from their eternal salvation...


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