魔鬼的谎言5:你不够好(finalcall07)The Devil's Lies - You are not good enough

1 year ago

Source: https://youtu.be/AYeXrz_yV_A



许多人相信自己不够好而不能成为上帝的儿女。没有人是好的,只有上帝是好的。但是,我们只要好到足够顺服就可以了。 耶稣基督把救恩赐给那些顺服他的人,尽管他们不好。如果我们离弃罪,顺服耶稣,他会赐给我们永生。约翰福音3:36节,耶稣说,信子的人有永生;不信子的人得不到永生,上帝的烈怒常在他身上。

如果你离弃了罪并且顺服耶稣基督,你的罪已经被赦免了。我们在希伯来书5章9节读到,“祂...就成了永恒救恩的源头,使所有顺服祂的人都得到拯救。” 尽管我们不够好,如果我们顺服他,他就会赐给我们永生。顺服的意思是悔改罪、顺服耶稣基督,他的话记录在四福音书中,马太马可、路加和约翰福音,要圣洁,要成为完全圣洁和顺服耶稣基督的人。你不需要成为“好”人,你只需要成为顺服耶稣基督的人,就可以得着永生。愿耶稣祝福你。
Many people believe that they are not good enough to be a child of God. Nobody is good, only God is good. But we are good enough to become obedient. Jesus Christ gives salvation to those who obey Him, even though they are not good. But if we turn away from sin and we obey Jesus, He gives us eternal life. Jesus said, and I read from John 3:36. "He who believes in the Son has eternal life. But you does not obey the Son, shall not see life. But the wrath of God abides on him." Your sins are forgiven if you turn away from sin and you obey Jesus Christ. We also read Hebrews5:9, he says, "he became, to all those who obey him the source of eternal salvation." Even though we are not good. If we obey Him, He gives us eternal life. Obedience means to repent of Sin, to obey Jesus Christ. His words has written in the Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and to be holy, to be absolutely holy and obedient to Jesus Christ. You don't need to be good. You only need to be obedient to Jesus Christ to have eternal life. My Jesus bless you.

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