Stefan Lanka: What biology IS - body and soul biology and the substance life is made of

2 years ago

The 2nd lecture by Dr Lanka for 'Wissen ist Relevant’ (WIR) was recorded on the 21st Jan 2022.

The first lecture, 'Biology - as it is NOT’ [our subtitles here:,-virology-and-cell-theory:d], raised the question of how biological life works, contagions and diseases of all kinds, leaving aside deficiency and poisoning, when the previous assumptions of material causation and heredity have been disproved. Since our scientific knowledge categorically excludes the influence of spirit, information such as images, thoughts, words, the result is the compulsion to assume material defect carriers such as viruses as disease causers and genes as information carriers.

The reality is different. In the second lecture Dr Lanka presents an existing system of knowledge of a body-soul biology within which it is proven that mind and information work directly and that every part of our body has an awareness of itself, in its respective place and context of the body. In this context, the primary energy and information carrier of the body is a substance formerly known as ether and currently referred to as the fourth phase of water. It is the substance that through external and internal movement forms a membrane in water at all points of contact, a substance that is altogether different from liquid water. Knowledge of this substance opens up new insights into life.

Lecture overview:
0:00:00 General cell theory: myth or reality?
0:08:00 Illness as an expression of the soul: trauma detection in the brain
0:23:01 Hamer's "fermenting" medicine
0:30:53 "The substance we are made of".
0:44:43 Our circulatory system versus atomic theory
0:50:25 DNA structure, invention of disease & our monetary system

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In this lecture Dr Lanka provides a whistle-stop tour at breathtaking speed covering many of the important subjects he has researched extensively and written about over recent years.
This presentation is filled to the brim with information that is often hard to understand so we decided to insert Dr Lanka’s own writings from Wissenschafftplus (W+) at some of the more difficult places that would benefit from further explanation.
As a result the flow of the subtitles sometimes won’t match the flow of Dr Lanka’s phrasing, although we have prioritised matching with the lecture screen timing.

We have provided some further links below to elaborate on certain subjects touched upon within the lecture.
Research by Harold Hillman
One of the best books on Dr Hamer’s research
Introduction to 5 Biological Laws
On metastasis theory
Biology after Hamer, an interview with Dr Lanka by Ilsedora Laker
Wissenschafftplus article that explains many of the important points in the lecture
History of Maunawai
English language video on Viktor Schauberger
‘Living Energies’ - a book on Viktor Schauberger’s brilliant work
The often mentioned ‘Genes in Dissolution’ article from 2008
‘Virus, it’s time to go’ by Dr. Sam Bailey'Virus,-It's-Time-to-Go.'-(Dr.-Sam-Bailey):6
‘The path paved by Dr Lanka’ by
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Original video lecture source (in German):

Subtitled by Counterpropaganda

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