Vanquish the Enemies Who Perpetrated the Attacks on 9/11/01

1 year ago

Understanding the Threat (UTT) President John Guandolo was at the Pentagon on 9/11/01 and worked recovering victims and evidence in the weeks following the attack. The nations and organizations who perpetrated and supported Al Qaeda operators perpetrate the 9/11 hijackers have yet to be vanquished. Saudi Arabian intelligence officers ran dry runs for the 9/11 operation a year before the attack. Saudi intelligence officers directly supported hijackers and Prince Bandar, the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S. funded 9/11 hijackers and was in connection with senior Al Qaeda operatives. Iran supported Al Qaeda with training, safe haven, and never stamped the Al Qaeda operators passports so there would be no red flags when they came to the United States. Pakistan's ISI (intelligence service) provided direct support to Al Qaeda troops on the ground prior to and immediately after the 9/11 attacks. The U.S. Muslim Brotherhood network supported the hijackers including two prominent Muslim Brotherhood mosques - Islamic Center of San Diego and the Dar al Hijra Islamic Center (Falls Church, VA). After 9/11, the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood organizations Islamic Society of North America, CAIR (HAMAS), Muslim American Society, and many others openly sided with Al Qaeda and defended their actions. These entities should be obliterated and their leaders jailed or worse for their attacks on this nation.

But no. Nothing. Republicans and democrats have done nothing to actually vanquish the enemies of liberty responsible for 9/11.

Understanding the Threat is the only organization in the West training communities to identify jihadis and communists and their organizations in the local communities and lawfully and aggressively flush them out. Bring UTT to your community today and fortify your county before it is too late.

Go to now!

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