2 years ago

Climate alarmist and activist alike are so dead set on our inevitable destruction at the hands of our contribution to, what they deem as, adverse environmental phenomena, that all contradictory evidence must be fabricated. That’s how certain they are of their own righteousness. Even in the face of historically incorrect predictions, they continue to hold onto their convictions by moving the goalpost to sidestep factual precedent. These are not the actions of a rational people. They are the actions of a cult. A nihilistic cult hell bent on bringing destruction to human civilization under the banner of ecological humanitarianism. I ask, “where does their certainty come from?” Fifteen minutes of research was all it took for me to discover the failed predictions and the many inconsistencies in their logic. Why are climate alarmist so angry, why are they so nihilistic, and why are they so afraid to consider the possibility that they may not be completely correct? Unfortunately these delusional individuals are making it difficult for good people to unite and have real deliberations over solutions that will help while at the same time not send us back to the dark ages. We evolve through conversation and as long as they refuse to take a seat at the table they will continue to do more harm than they can ever hope to do good.


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