Interview of the Minister of Defence of Russia General of the Army Sergei Shoigu

1 year ago

Introductory statement by the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at the Board Session of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation on September 21, 2022

'Today, the President of the Russian Federation signed the Executive Order on partial mobilisation in Russia.

The base for mobilisation deployment of units and formations, the conscription offices and the reinforcement staff are ready for the mobilisation.

This is the time to apply the experience received during annual strategic exercises.

It is necessary to promptly and efficiently organise the citizens' notification, to increase measures for countering provocations and illegal action, as well as to intensify the protection at notification points, conscription and gathering posts.

The mobilised citizens will have the status of military personnel serving under contract and coincident level of money allowances.

Employees of the defence industry's entities will be exempted from the conscription for the period of their employment by these organisations.

Commanders of military districts are to establish close cooperation with executive authorities in the regions of the Russian Federation in regard to conscripting citizens within the mobilisation.

The directive is signed, the tasks for all the regions are assigned, the instructions of the General Staff for the mobilisation procedure are sent to troops and forces.

I order to proceed with the implementation'. #mod_russia_en

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