Unclassified Compartmented Information (UCI): Unlawful Order: Round *Up* the Usual Suspects

2 years ago

microbiologist or a virologist or an epidemiologist, good luck with that. But the truly amazing thing, for a trained and experienced all source intelligence analyst at least, was the "messages in a bottle" that were hidden in open view in the open-source environment, just waiting for someone to come along and notice. Truly "eyes only", for special eyes, or those who "specialize" in once in a lifetime pandemics. And another window opened upon the release of the Fauci emails, connecting the primary actors, or principals, to the science beyond a few scattered names listed as authors and coauthors of science reports.

The first alert was that it was a "pandemic" before the declaration on March 11, 2020, and moving way to fast in the news, ahead of the data, kind of like in Capricorn One, when the fella in Mission Control had believed their was something wrong with his console because the radio signals from the space capsule appeared to be coming from a location too close.

Fifteen cases of pneumonia in the 42nd largest city in the world is not a panic button issue, nor is 41, which was all there were in reported cases in China on January 14, 2020, but already WHO had alerted the world in social media, put out an emergency planning packet and had begun sharing the sequences worldwide as if a pandemic was inevitable, the train already having left the station. By January 10, 2020, the virus had been "imported" to Thailand and the first death had been reported, but, while the alarm bells ringing in retrospect seem normal or as expected, recall that in mid January 2020 this was an emerging new virus, called "novel" for that reason that would begin a once in a lifetime pandemic, for which, today, ovder 6.5 million worldwide had died.

So, as they say in stage illusion, prepare to be astounded and amazed.

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