What is Going to Happen on September 24 2022

2 years ago

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASyUmswftGA

What is going to happen on September 24, 2022? What is the significance of this date? Should you be afraid of it?

The TimeKeeper explores the mechanism of fear and its usage to control the people of this time. Fear mongering is used to keep people in a constant state of anxiety which makes them pliable and receptive to ideas that may not be in their best interests. The TimeKeeper discusses the basis of fear and illustrates how it can prevent you from living your best life. Key concepts include the cause and effect of events, the necessity of preparation and the key goals and tenants of the world's control elite, including the establishment of one world government, one world currency and population reduction. September 24 is just another day, and the TimeKeeper emphasizes the rejection of the fear mongering surrounding this date.

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