How Good is the Gopher Hawk Gopher Trap?

2 years ago

#gopherhawk #gophertrap #killinggophers

The GopherHawk gopher trap is a good solution to controlling gophers - once you understand how a gopher thinks, and how to best place and monitor the trap. DirtFarmerJay demonstrates!

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Gophers are a real problem around our place. Because gophers readily grow or replenish their population they rarely can be eliminated, but they can be controlled. If there is a gopher problem on your property, it will not solve itself. Gophers continually expand their range, so you must be vigilant and use control methods to eliminate incursions into your yard.

In this episode, DirtFarmerJay shows you how to utilize a “stick” type trap made by GopherHawk®. This device was recommended to us by one of the DFJ viewer family members after he viewed our earlier video, “How to Win the War Against Gophers.” We showed several devices and methods on the market for gopher control but spent some time emphasizing the “smoke” type cartridges that are ignited and inserted into gopher runs to kill the rodents.

Our viewer said there is a better way, so we checked it out! We contacted the GopherHawk® company and they sent us one for testing. We also purchased a set of replacement straps so we could keep our trap in great operating condition for a long time to come. You can buy the GopherHawk® trap as a single or in sets, along with parts, by visiting

The GopherHawk® requires locating the underground run using the included probe, making a hole down into the run, and then setting the trap. If the trap is set off, there is an indicator on the shaft of the trap above ground. There are two big advantages to this approach. First, there is minimal damage to the yard or bed when setting the trap. Second, you know when the trap has “fired.”

However, there are a few tips and tricks we show you to help you be successful with this trapping approach, along with a recommendation of keeping repair parts on hand for ongoing use of the gear.

Sure, you can call for a professional exterminator to rid your yardscape of gopher invaders, but why? Now you have another approach to allow you to “Just Do It Yourself!”

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