Cardinal Zen on Trial

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Wednesday September 21, 2022 - Feast of Saint Matthew, Apostle and evangelist

Cardinal Joseph Zen Begins Trial in Hong Kong Without Vatican Support – Dr. Thomas Williams joins us.

And –
California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law allowing human bodies to be turned into garden soil

Also – Dr. Paul Kengor
The Corruption of education

Quick News -
The Flemish Catholic bishops have published a guide for the accompaniment of homosexual persons including a blessing for gay couples, in apparent defiance of a Vatican directive to the contrary.
According to Mass Transportation - a protest group has notified the media it plans to disrupt travel along several routes in the Boston area Wednesday morning, 9/21, at approximately 7 a.m. Exact locations not yet announced.
The Pentagon on Tuesday said it was sticking to its COVID-19 vaccine mandate, despite President Joe Biden declaring “the pandemic is over.”

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Guest Seg. Dr. Thomas Williams - Breitbart -
Cardinal Joseph Zen Begins Trial in Hong Kong Without Vatican Support
For its part, the Vatican never criticized the arrest, limiting itself to a one-line statement saying that “the Holy See has received the news of Cardinal Zen’s arrest with concern and is following the evolution of the situation with extreme attention.”
Pope Francis has similarly declined to show support for Zen and last week refused to acknowledge that his arrest and trial constituted a violation of religious freedom.
“The pope doesn’t know much about China. And he may have some sympathy for the Communists, because in South America, the Communists are good guys, they suffer for social justice,” Zen said. “But not the [Chinese] Communists. They are persecutors.”
“So the situation is, humanly speaking, hopeless for the Catholic Church: Because we can always expect the Communists to persecute the Church, but now [faithful Catholics] don’t get any help from the Vatican,” he said.
“The Vatican is helping the government, surrendering, giving everything into their hands,” Zen said.
“In Hong Kong, in all this time of turmoil, with so many young people suffering the brutality of the police, not a word from the Vatican,” Zen continued, adding that the Vatican is “always trying to please the Chinese government.”
Pope Francis Throws Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen Under the Bus

2nd Guest Seg. - Dr. Paul Kengor – Poly Sci – Grove City College
Corruption of Education – canceling student debt...

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