Mike Johnson Palomares for Escondido City Council

2 years ago

Mike Johnson, director of SDMUST, is running for Escondido City Council! Endorsed by San Diego County Gun Owners, get to know this community leader. Karla Talley, from Inland Empire Gun Owners also joins the show to talk about the Inland Empire Gun Prom and their voter guide.

Help SDCGO elect more PRO2A local officials!

Your vote matters

SDCGO Endorses Mike Johnson for Escondido City Council

Clinger Holster Gear Review

Inland Empire Gun Prom

Second Amendment Activism in the Inland Empire

What did Smith & Wesson market as the “Most Powerful Handgun in the World” in 1935?

Are you going to vote? If you’re not happy with your public servants, if they’re not serving your best interest, your vote is the best way to tell them what you think about the job they’re doing. Want more PRO 2A public servants? Get the SDCGO voter guide!


Meet Mike Johnson Palomares, director of SDMUST. After years of fighting bad government from the outside, Mike is running for Escondido City Council to he could fight bad government from the inside.


Finding the perfect holster is tough. Body shape, carry method, and firearm type all factor into the comfort of the holster. Is the Clinger holster for you? Check out Alisha’s review of the holster with an innovative holster cushion.

WIN a Clinger Holster prize! Join the Gun Owners Radio newsletter! https://gunownersradio.com/subscribe Prize winners will be announced on the Sep 25 2022 show.


Executive Director, Karla Talley, joins the show to share what going on with Inland Empire Gun Owners. The movement to help get more PRO Second Amendment officials is spreading across California! Find out how & why Karla focuses on elections for mayors, city councils, school boards, sheriffs, and other local officials.

Get your tickets for the Inland Empire Gun Prom! Save the date - Nov 12, 2022 and get your tickets here: https://gunprom.com

Join the Second Amendment fight in the Inland Empire: https://iegunowners.com/join

Help elect PRO 2A officials in the Inland Empire: https://iegunowners.com/voterguide

STUMP MY NEPHEW: What did Smith & Wesson market as the “Most Powerful Handgun in the World” in 1935?

Think you can stump Sam? Send in a question! https://www.gunownersradio.com/stump-my-nephew/


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The right to self-defense is a basic human right. Gun ownership is an integral part of that right. If you want to keep your Second Amendment rights, defend them by joining San Diego County Gun Owners (SDCGO), Orange County Gun Owners (OCGO), or Inland Empire Gun Owners (IEGO).

Support the cause by listening to Gun Owners Radio live on Sunday afternoon or on any podcast app at your leisure. Together we will win.


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