Fatal Fury 2 (Snes) Gameplay (RetroTink 2X Pro, S-Video)

2 years ago

I can never remember how to do the rising tackle. In fact the moves seem to change depending on the game. The Snes version also seems to change the controller motions for the moves set as well.

Honetly, I've always liked the Snes version of Fatal Fury 2, even if it isn't the best version of the game, it's still a solid, and playable 2D fighting game for the system. I'm also a big SNK fan, even if I am terrible at all their games.

If you find it for cheap, even though this has probably been rereleased a bunch of times since on compilations, I still say, pick this version up if the price is right. Sure, it doesn't play as well as the Neo Geo version, but what does?

NOTE: I am playing this on the easiest setting, because the Computer ticks me off so much on harder settings. These games are best enjoyed against human opponents, not cheating CPU opponents.

#SNES #FatalFury2 #Gameplay

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