The Law of Attraction DOESN'T work... this is why! | How to really use it for Business Success

2 years ago

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What is the law of attraction exactly, and how can it REALLY help you achieve personal and professional success? Is it true that we attract things based on our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors?

The "Law of Attraction" is also often called the "Mirror Effect"

If I am negative and in a bad mood, I attract negative people
If I am positive and in a good mood, I attract positive people

→ If I only half-heartedly believe in my success, then I do not attract success
→ When I help other people, then I attract good people into my life & I am helped

But most importantly, YOU have to BE what YOU want to ATTRACT.
Only wishing will attract only wishing, nothing more.

Putting 120% work into what you are wishing for (=being the person that DESERVES having or getting something) WILL attract what you want into your life. Start by BEING what you WANT, and what you WISH for will come into your life.



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