Conscious Cash is Coming!

2 years ago

The new conscious cash system is a new currency based on free energy and uses frequency to transfer currency from consciousness to consciousness. In this live channeled session I pick up on how the currency is transferred and how to create limitless financial wealth!

Release creating catastrophic financial timelines and open up to higher possibilities! You are loved and supported! Our Galactic Star Family is here helping us to create better realities and showing us our future selves! Raise your frequency and connect to your higher self!

You have the power to create the reality you deserve! Don't let the news media rob you of your creative power by believing in financial hardship and loss! Now is the time for planetary liberation! The old Kingdom is dead! The earth belongs to you! Elevate and rise up in consciousness and belief! #CONSCIOUSCASH #NEWMONEYSYSTEM #FINANCIALRESET

WATCH NOW: Satan's Satellites Kicked out of Heaven

WATCH NOW: Queen Elizabeth's Death Predicted and Inter-Galactic Wi-Fi

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#consciouscash, #newmoneysystem, #financialreset, #priestesssekhmet
consciousness enhanced money,

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