You are to be above the drama (The City on the Hill, Matthew 5:14-16)

1 year ago

You are to be above the drama (The City on the Hill, Matthew 5:14-16)
As Jesus uses the analogy of His church being like a city on a hill that cannot be hidden, I cannot help but imagining a city setting up on a mountain with rock cliffs all around it. The city is protected and elevated to the point that they know everything is okay and they do not have to worry much about what is going on around them at the foot of the hill. It is not that the city does not care about what is happening around them, it is just that they know that whatever is going on around them is not going to affect them in the long run. They may have to deal with some temporary inconveniences with what is going on around them, but they know it will soon end and everything will be taken care of. As the church we live our life like the city on the hill, above the drama, knowing that everything is temporary and will end up in our favor. This does not mean that we ignore what is going on around us or that we do not try to help or make positive changes; it simply means that we focus on where we are going and not what we are going through.
Our goal is to be the light of Christ to this world by reflecting His love, character, and compassion on all those around us. When this becomes our focus, we are not so easily entangled in the things of this word and keep our attention on the heavenly and spiritual aspects of our life. 2 Timothy 2:4 says that a soldier does not become entangled in civilian affairs because they are focused on their mission at hand. When we seek first the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33) we realize the petty things and drama of this life do not really matter in the long run. We are not as easily offended by those around us, and we realize that we are not at odds with those around us as much as we are with the demonic spiritual realm that has waged war against our Creator (Ephesians 6:12). We realize that our opinion being known is not as important as God’s love and His gospel being shared with the world around us. A city on the hill is above the drama because they know their future is bright and the church of Jesus Christ should be the same because our future is not only bright, but also eternally blissful.

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