The enemy behind the headlines...

2 years ago

The Vatican has been determined to regain control over the world since the Reformation. It now uses more sophisticated means for its bitter end. It hides behind secret societies and keeps its members in darkness. It is the power behind all the wars in the world and all the conflicts. It is known as the deep state in many countries. It is now the power orchestrating the pandemics and climate change. Its purpose is to reign over the world, but it keeps the masses in total darkness or utterly deceived. If you research history , especially throughout Europe, you`ll see the utter destruction orchestrated by Vatican city. How they utterly destroyed Protestantism by the sword, torture, burning at the stake, starvation, throughout Europe. So today they have plenty of experience on how to destroy people and nations. We are in the last days of earth`s history, and this anti-christ system is about to impose its mark on all humanity, the only people who will be able to stand, are the people who stand in the Lord Jesus Christ.

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