The Seven Churches of Revelation: Philadelphia, 3:7-13

1 year ago

Philadelphia is our sixth church in this series. Of the Seven Churches, only Smyrna and Philadelphia are not corrected by our Lord. While outwardly, they both appear to be poor and weak, the reality is that they are rich in their faith and powerful through their Savior.
Jesus recognizes that the believers in Philadelphia have been struggling with opposition but have been faithfully enduring. In this message, Jesus reveals that He has opened a door for them that no one can close. He is in control and He can, and will, handle the evildoers. Finally, Jesus makes an incredible promise of reward for continued faithfulness!
Philadelphia is by far the youngest city in this group. It was named after its founder Attalus II who, due to his loyalty to his brother was called Philadelphus.
It was founded on a hill overlooking a fertile valley at the junction of several important trade routes. It was called the Gateway to the East and was established to advance Greek culture in the region. The city was built near a fault,
and experienced a major earthquake in AD17, as well as several smaller quakes in the following years. People actually began to live outside the walls for safety.
The imagery Jesus uses would have resonated with the Philadelphians.
The Church in Philadelphia lasted until the 14th Century.
Jesus has no corrections for this church, but He does have three truths for them to understand and act on.

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