Veteran Adam Hardage "Biden owes me and all Veterans an apology!"

1 year ago

Tyrant “President” calls God-fearing
Americans a threat to America. 

Yeah, sure.

 After 4
Wars and 6 Deployments post 9/11 in Iraq, Afghanistan, West Africa, Jordan, Syria, Special OpsVeteran Adam Hardage says he sees his current mission clear as day; Defending Medical Freedom and providing access to honest, transparent, and ethical care for people, which is something you cannot find in America's current Medical Industrial Complex. As CEO of Remote Health Solutions, Adam believes that the mission of his company is a calling from on high, from our divine Father. Adam says his goal is to leave this country in as good a shape as it was given to him, and right now he says 'we have a lot of work to do to bring America back" Adam says he's will to "go to the mattresses" for this country, for his oath, for the future of America and his children. Adding "We are in a war for the very idea of what it means to be an American and be free. This is the hill that I will die on." 

Veteran Adam Hardage has a few comments, as you can imagine, about Biden's Philadelphia speech.  Adam is particularly concerned about Biden's use of the phrase "clear and present danger" and rightfully so. (See Below)

In the News
Dark Brandon Disaster: #PedoHitler Trends on Twitter After Joe Biden’s Divisive Speech - Breitbart News

Pretend President Joe Biden Channels His Inner Hitler by Making Anti-MAGA Speech On a Stage Set That Looked Like a Leni Riefenstahl Movie - Before It's News

So much for civil discourse in America. Now we can't even disagree on ideas in politics without worrying if the side in charge is going to send the FBI to your door because your thoughts aren't right. 

“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic,” Biden declared.

He said they “are determined to take this country backward,’ they “promote authoritarian leaders and they fan the flames of political violence.”

Can you believe a sitting resident actually said that? 

"Not only is it inaccurate, but it is also completely backwards. Biden and his ilk are the authoritarians. Just look at the mandates to get injections or else you lose your job. The Make America Great Again crowd actually believes and talks nonstop about the foundations of our Republic i.e.: The Constitution and God. Team leftist Marxist is the one taking God out of schools and replacing it with Drag Queen reading hours. Biden can keep projecting all he wants, but the people know exactly who the tyrant is" says Adam Hardage, a veteran and Trump supporter.

Hardage added "Are we supposed to be afraid now to voice opposing political speech to some of the most radical and stupid ideas I've ever heard in my lifetime? Is that what this Administration is trying to accomplish? Only tyrants censor speech. This Administration is an embarrassment to the very idea and ideals that are America. The fact that they raided a teenager's room at Mar-a-Lago but have spent almost three years ignoring Hunter Biden's laptop from hell is more than talking about how weaponized our government agencies have become.”

Hardage expressed extreme concern over Biden's use of what he calls "very dangerous language" saying “President Biden invoked language which was extremely dangerous during his speech when he tangentially referred to the idea that Trump and the MAGA crowd represent a “clear and present danger" to this country. Americans need to understand that the “clear and present danger” clause provides a sitting President with extrajudicial authorities, allowing him to go around Congress in order to conduct military operations under the guise of National Security.”

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