
1 year ago

The great Twitter irony is that a platform which so lends itself to ridicule and the ridiculous, a place where aspersions are so easily cast and valid arguments so readily downplayed, that despite this, #TrudeauMustGo was trending number one in Canadian content the other day after the Neo-Marxist leader of ours was recorded drunkenly singing Bohemian Rapsody by Queen at a Karaoke Bar in London while there for Her Majesty’s funeral. Trudeau is a tone deaf, narcissistic clown who is completely out of touch with the “it” of a thing. Mr. Trudeau, Canadians aren’t about to consult some yet to be written Postmodern dictionary which can define the level of your sheer narcissistic hubris and the vitriolic contempt that you so obviously hold for those you were elected to serve. #TrudeauMustGo indeed, I am hopeful that my fellow Canadians are no longer willing to worship at the idol of statism. Trudeau’s failing Big Government policies have, as social collectivist experiments always do, have had the opposite result of his much-lauded claims of creating utopia. Claims which have gone up in the smoke of inflation, fiduciary malfeasance, unworkable energy policies, printing money out of thin air, while simultaneously demanding we use impossible pronouns which ignore the ”it” of a thing. Trudeau, you it is up!

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