CBN NewsWatch AM: September 20, 2022

1 year ago

The division over GOP Senator Lindsey Graham’s bill banning abortions after 15 weeks, coming ahead of the midterm elections; Graham strongly defends his proposal and criticizes Democrats on their position on abortion up until birth on “Fox News Sunday;” stops for illegal immigrants at the Southern border hit a record 2.15 million between last October and August; protests in Iran against the government after a 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amini, died in custody after being arrested by the morality police for not properly wearing a hijab; the booming global trade for human body parts on what’s known as “The Red Market” – and why some people sell their organs; Melissa Henson of the Parents Television and Media Council tells CBN’s “The Prayer Link” about its warnings to advertisers over the controversial new animated show, “Little Demon,” and tells parents how they can safeguard their children; and a hymn at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral, “Like as the Hart,” based on Psalm 42, was written specifically for the service, and Buckingham Palace said it was “inspired by Her Majesty’s unwavering Christian faith.”

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