Deutsche Bahn [ Tragic Train Accident in Bayern ] 03.06.2022

2 years ago

Deutsche Bahn
(German Train company)
Tragic accident
(Tragischer Unfall)
4 deaths and over
40 people injured
(4 Tote und über
40 Verletzte)
The local police spokesman
announced that four people were
dead and around 30 people
were injured, around half
of them in hospital for treatment.
He also confirmed that some school
l children were on the train.
About 500 emergency services
are on site. The cause of the accident
is still groping in the dark.
But the police spokesman
confirmed that there was no
collision with another train.
Deutsche Bahn expressed its
deepest condolences to
the victims' families. Emergency
services and DB employees
are at the scene of the accident.
The cause of the accident
is still unclear.

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