All LGBT people are sodomized as babies to infuse many demons for multiple personality disorder uses

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (September 2022). All LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) Illuminati occultist people are sodomized by their Freemason or Jesuit or Wicca or Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness or Skull & Bones or Druid or Satanist or Luciferian or New Age witchcraft or Hindu mystic or Catholic mystic or Buddhist mystic or Islamic radical fanatic terrorist or DeMolay or Nazi Vril or Scientology other Illuminati occult sub-group gang rapist brotherhood of Satan Lucifer, in order to infuse demon spirits into them to create “multiple personality disorder” DID servants. They are mentioned in the Bible as “Legion” the demon-possessed person or the Geresene demoniac, who Jesus drove out thousands of demon spirits out of. All earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers New Age Wicca witch Druid mother goddess cult pedophile cannibal Satanist Pedogate Pizzagate “White House Pizza Night” reptilian hybrid feminists and their male “gay mafia elite” puppet servants have to be sodomized between the age of 2 and 4 years old, in order to send electromagnetic shock up their spines as babies to shatter their minds into compartments to place demon spirits into them to create multiple personality disorder for use in different jobs like sex slaves and assassins and space fleet crews and spies and politicians and court judges and corporate executives and church pastors and military leaders and media people and school teachers and nursery teachers and orphanage managers and children’s group leaders and pedophile child-trafficking ring members and other Illuminati jobs for the fallen angel incarnate avatar elites. Satan Lucifer and his fallen angel devils incarnate avatar elites sodomize these occult people to use them as demon-possessed “fallen angels controlled” servants for various evil activities and to run the human society through the Noah’s days Atlantis nephilim civilization’s secret societies and witchcraft religions and occult groups. You cannot receive a position of responsibility in human society without being gang sodomized by fallen angel avatar elites or pedophile cannibal Satanist Draco reptilian chimera fake aliens incarnate avatar elites or reptilian hybrid elites lesbian witch sisterhood groups or reptilian hybrid elites “gay mafia elite” bisexual brotherhood groups to place many LGBTPB (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transvestite Pedophile Bestiality) orgy child sex magick spirit cooking ritual demon spirits into their minds. They use trigger words and lights to change the mind-split “Project MK Ultra Monarch” multiple personality disorder servants to whatever demon they want to summon from that person to carry out their secret jobs or missions. The person does not remember any of the crimes they were made to do, or being sodomized as a baby, or memories of torture & rape, or any of the other alter personalities’ memories. They are Satan Lucifer’s perfect infiltrator weapon platforms against humans. This is how they corrupted God’s churches by redefining all the Bible verses and removing women’s head coverings and cross-dressing in men’s trousers to start the human extermination program and removal of all of God’s spiritual protection. I have posted videos and photos of the “panda eyes” fallen angel avatar Bill Gates human mocking dance and children’s ruptured blood vessel panda eyes effect when sodomized by the reptilian hybrid elites in the maternity hospitals and children’s groups and schools.

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