Nuclear power plant leak in Isar 2 jeopardises Germany’s winter power security plan

1 year ago

1. Germany was planning to phase out nuclear power completely by the end of the year. But worries about energy shortages caused by Russia cutting its energy imports in response to sanctions imposed on the Kremlin following the Russian spop in Ukraine had led to a slight change in plans. Two of the three remaining nuclear reactors, including Isar 2 in the state of Bavaria, were to remain on standby after December 31.

German Ministry of Environment said that the Isar 2 plant will require a week-long repair period in October. A spokesperson for E.ON, which operates Isar 2 through one of its subsidiaries, said that the company could keep the plant operational into 2023, but added that “Due to the necessary lead times, however, it is now necessary for the ongoing political discussions to quickly lead to a clear result and for all those involved to create planning security as quickly as possible.”

The Federal Ministry of Environment announced that jointly with the Ministry of Economy, it was “examining the new situation and its implications for the design and implementation of the standby reserve” of the Isar 2.
2. The operator of one of Germany's three remaining nuclear power stations said Monday that it has detected a leak that will require the plant to shut down for several days of maintenance next month if it is to keep going beyond the end of the year.

The announcement by PreussenElektra, a subsidiary of utility giant E.ON that operates the Isar 2 facility in Bavaria, puts pressure on the German government to decide if it wants to stick to its long-held plan of shutting all the country's nuclear plants this year, to keep them on stand-by or to run them for as long as possible.

Germany’s economy minister said earlier this month that he favored shutting one down and keeping two on stand-by, thereby balancing political commitments, nuclear safety at the ageing plants and the risk of possible winter energy shortages. Opposition lawmakers and some in government want them to keep running.
3. VIDEO WION: Eon Infotech Limited (E.ON) has informed the German government of a leak at the Isar 2 nuclear power plant, which has not compromised security but could complicate the government's winter energy plan.
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#nuclearreactor #nuclearsafety #energyprices

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