Nature Medicine, and the importance of standing up for ourselves

1 year ago

During this shift we are in, it is becoming more clear how important it is for us to ground and empower ourselves, so that we can navigate these times with a sense of flow.
Part of living empowered is our health, however, much of what we've learned about health is not true...and for a very long time the powers that be has sought out to suppress knowledge that seeks to uplift us. Fortunately though, this knowledge is becoming more and more visible again.
And because we are living in intense and polarising times, I feel it's so important for us to ground, keep our bodies strong, and feel a sense balance and flow.
In my video, I a shed light on what I've learned and practiced along the way on my journey of getting clean and sober over 20 years ago, as well as practicing the knowledge I've learned over the past 7 years in regards to nature natural health, that has helped me me stay strong and healthy, despite living with cancer.
I realised that the knowledge I've come across on my journey can perhaps help others live empowered, even despite us going through challenging I am sharing what I've learned over the years, along with insights of what is happening in the world, what we can do about it, and the importance of unplugging from the fear, and embracing practices that nourish and uplift us.


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