if you're new to this channel...piano punk is _____

2 years ago

these chords are so ominous kinda like our whole dilemma
these chords: great example of my sentiment
not surprised that my neighbors keep leaving
not surprised that i don't want a boyfriend
don't wanna snuggle and watch tv
i used to have that and try to want it
i knew that there was sumin different about how i processed everything
pushing him clear across the country (mf in ca now)
live n learn (or not...if they don't live how can they learn)
keep blaming somebody else and doin what they've always done
the problem's always me haha
common denominator every time so...
if i had that...disaster area
art is what i'm supposed to make
my example of society's criticism of yours truly
yawl know my feelings on the phones
they just dunno what to do besides what everybody does now i guess
they gotta go along with it to be relevant in the modern world
they dunno what's up so wtf does it matter their opinion on shit
probably bitching about smart phones again
see next video (i obviously did not do this)

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