FRED TALKS Episode 6 | Optimism vs Pessimism | Hosted by Frederick Krasey

2 years ago

Today in Fred Talks I cover the subject of Optimism (resourcefulness) vs Pessimism (un-resourcefulness). It is to inspire people to look up and reach for the betterment of their lives, their futures, their achievements, and all aspects of their world view. It is a call to action to change the way we face into life if not optimistic already.

Pessimists always seem to be looking down and they do not seem to energize anyone including themselves. It is different to being the occasional devils advocate it is a continual downward spiral. Most pessimists have probably walked into a parked car or two.

In this video I explore the methods of tapping into your powerhouse of resourcefulness and how to shift yourself from an unproductive condition to one of power and achievement even by just shifting your physiology to a more resourceful and fully engaged posture.

If you feel in the grips of pessimism and want to get more out of your life, feel free to seek me out for a free coaching session and change the direction you are going. Just mention this video for your free session and hit me up on and I will be happy to help you move forward.

Kind regards,

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