Ghost write?

2 years ago

You said that you ghostwrite and you write books. Would I need to write my own book? Are you going to teach me how to write a book? Or are you going to write that for me? Or do you do both?

I do both. I have a program coming up with a 5 day challenge. If you can't figure out how to write your book in those 5 days from what I tell you,
I'm an absolute treasure trove of information. I bring in some experts for you as well. If you can't figure it out, you can take the whole 12 week program, and that's a paid program, and we dive really deep. But between the gift that I give you, like, I have a TV show. So when you come on my TV show, there's always a gift. When you download the gift, there's a checklist of things that you need to do to be able to write. There's another gift that shows you examples of different styles of books, so you can figure out what you want to do. If you haven't got it figured out after the 5 days,
you can dive deeper and take the course. In the course I do go very, very deep. I have a team of people who are copywriters, content writers, engagement email writers, ghost writers, they create landing pages,
they put codes on to follow your gift, to track it for you so that you know
who downloaded your gift, and then you can send more emails to them.
There's lots of different ways to do it, and I have 3 different people who do social media, so you can hire people in my team. If you don't want to write it, we'll write it for you. What if I do want to write it? But I'm not a writer.
So do you have a template that you follow? How does that work? There's lots of different ways to write a book, and everybody has a different style
who teaches writing has their own various styles. I use a couple of different methods, but there's lots of different styles. I took that particular method that I learned and I came up with a template because I had a course. And I just took the same course template and turned it into a book template. So now I teach you how to write your book. So chapter 1 would be week 1 of your program. Chapter 2 would be week 2 and like that. So that it's consecutive. I also teach you how to write using your keywords so that you can put all your social media in your writing. So that your social media is all done for you, a whole year's worth in one book.

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