Want to sell more on Amazon? Add this to your listing (real life example)

2 years ago

- download my free 40+ page book: https://bit.ly/3bn2SWp
- speak to my team: https://bit.ly/3ShYrgf

Remember being a hunter/gatherer on the plains of Africa?

Me neither.

But it's in our DNA.

Humans are hard-wired to do certain things after 1000s of years.​​​​​

And you can leverage this weird hard-wiring to sell more on Amazon.

For example:​​

- back in the day, we needed to binge on sugar, salt, and calories IMMEDIATELY and at first glance because we didn't know where our next meal would be. Now, McDonalds hacks this hard-wiring to sell $23 billion dollars of high-sugar, calorie-dense food every year

- back in the day, light from the sun would make us alert and attentive. Now the iPhone blasts our eyes with light to keep us aware, alert, online, and listening to Apple Podcasts or... whatever it is they want us to do (lol). Apple is a multi-trillion dollar company​​​​
​Why can't you (not yet a trillion-dollar company) hack this hard-wiring, too?!

Here's how.​​

Every Amazon product can sell more if it appeals to 1 thing:

​​​​In my new video (here) I talk about how a live product demo used pain to make more money.

Here's the thing about humans.

We hate pain. We'll do anything to avoid it.

Because back in the day, minor pain (cuts, bruises, pinpricks, etc.) could turn into infections. They could be lethal. Or, a limp could cause the tribe to think you're weak, resulting in abandonment.

So, years later, our species will do more to avoid pain than just about anything.

So use it.

I went to a fair last weekend and saw a booth that was selling orthopedic insoles. Which is, let's face it, not an inherently "cool" product.

But yet, they were pulling people in. As if by magic! What were they asking people to pique their interest?

"Knee pain? Foot pain? Back pain?"

They used pain!​​

They could have said:

"Our insoles make you feel like you're walking on a cloud, want to check them out?"​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



Pluses are less compelling than minuses.

Pain over Gain.

I highly recommend looking at your listings and revising some Amazon bullets, photos, and EBC to call out pain points that your product solves. It's really powerful stuff. Use it ethically!

I also highly recommend getting help in this world. We all need friends, mentors, advisors, colleagues, etc. to help us get to the next level.

So, I'll leave a link to my calendar below. Feel free to book a call, and me or someone from my team will brainstorm an Action Plan specifically for your Amazon business to grow it. Here's the link:​​​​​​​​​​​​

- download my free 40+ page book: https://bit.ly/3bn2SWp
- speak to my team: https://bit.ly/3ShYrgf

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