One minute to teach you how to make super beautiful Christmas cakes

1 year ago

Learn how to make this delicious dessert now.
Prepare 15g butter to melt
3 eggs, yolk protein separation
Add 2g salt to egg yolk, 180g milk, add melted butter, and mix well
Low gluten flour 160g sieved
Stir until smooth without particles
10 grams of matcha powder, mixed with a small amount of batter evenly
Beat the egg white with sugar. Add sugar in 30 grams for three times until there is a small bend
Add the batter twice and stir evenly
Heat the pan over low heat and pour the batter from above
Fry until a lot of bubbles come out, turn over and fry for another minute
Fry muffins of different sizes in turn
Squeeze cream in turn
Put fruit on it
Finally, sprinkle sugar powder
It's really beautiful
Eat and enjoy!

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