The Weekly Energy Foresight for September 19-25, 2022

1 year ago

September 19-25, 2022

Ten Of Cups

You may find the silly playfulness last week continues into this week with the added benefit of sharing the joy with others!

Family or other kinds of reunions, friendly outings, and community gatherings may pop up this week, or have been planned for this week - attend all of them that you are up for, you never know what amazing things will come from them!

If there aren’t any planned, think of ways you can use this time to stop by and see a neighbor, meet clients in coffee shops instead of the office, stop in a local small business and do some shopping… there are many ways to share the love on weeks like this when the atmosphere feels ripe for the blessings to burst forth or in this case, your cup overflowing with happiness, bliss, joy, and good luck 💝

Mid-Week ~ 19-22
Family Culture

End-Week ~ 22-25

19 -National Butterscotch Pudding Day
-Talk Like A Pirate Day
20 -National Voter Registration Day
-National Care For Kids Day
-National Pepperoni Pizza Day
-National Punch Day
-National Fried Rice Day
21 -National Chai Day
-National Pecan Cookie Day
-World Gratitude Day
-International Day Of Peace
22 -🍁🍂Mabon/Fall Equinox
-Elephant Appreciation Day
-National States & Capitals Day
-Car Free Day
-National Centenarians Day
-National Ice Cream Cone Day
-Hobbit Day
-World Rhino Day
-World Car Free Day
-International Day Of Radiant Peace
-♎Sun Enters Libra
23 -National Checkers/Dogs In Politics Day
-National Great American Pot Pie Day
-Inner-gize Day
-International Day Of Sign Languages
24 -National Ghost Hunting Day
-National Public Lands Day
-National Cherries Jubilee Day
-National Family Health & Fitness Day
-National Punctuation Day -Save Your Photos Day
-Save The Koala Day
-International Rabbit Day
-Heritage Day: South Africa
25 -National Lobster Day
-National Comic Book Day
-National One-Hit-Wonder Day
-National Open The Magic Day
-National Tune-Up Day
-National Quesadilla Day
-National Gold Star Mother’s Day
-Math Storytelling Day
-World Rivers Day
-World Dream Day
-Rosh Hashanah Begins
-🌚 New Moon

🎶 Envato, Kevin MacLeod, iMovie Royalty Free Audio/Visuals, & Wondershare Filmora Royalty Free Audio/Visuals
Tarot Cards: Gilded Tarot
by: Ciro Marchetti & Barbara Moore
Oracle Cards: The Magical Unicorns
by: Hay House

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