EVP Spirit Saying HELLO Proof of an Afterlife Supernatural Paranormal

2 years ago

Hi again.

Another audio clip I'm putting up on rumble. I'll try to add one ever day or two - I do have a few hundred most of which are on my Youtube channel Gabriel's Messenger if you can't wait.

Prior to connecting with the Archangel Gabriel in early 2020 these detectable audio clips helped affirm my belief there is an afterlife.

Please follow this rumble channel as there will be more audio clips introducing famous people throughout history including messages alluding to God's return on April 27th, 2078.

This recording I believe was in the basement at the Don Jail in Toronto at least three years ago and its fairly clear. I have quite a few different Hello's in the early days of my recordings before I started connecting with people whom I actually put an effort in to learn their names.

It's too bad that I lose some quality of the original clip by recording it on another recorder to transfer to my computer but that's what I have to do for all of my recordings. So imagine all of them being clearer than you hear them here. All the spirits I know are willing to support one of God's chosen children - Gabriel being the spokesperson for all the angels. My family all want to support the Archangel Gabriel and the other angels in helping me provide proof of an afterlife and belief in the most important message I am to give "God's Return". Enjoy and share any of these audio video's - that's the point of all of this to share and bring a whole new reality and the truth to the world.

Unfortunately in all my audio clips these recorders are poor quality to begin with and I have to rerecord onto another recorder to download the audio clip. These recorders have motors that make noise while playing so it doesn't help the audio quality especially if you have to copy it and I do - thus if even somewhat audible I will try to create the video. Some will be better than others but I'll keep trying.

I record with the family on that side many times a day and I have thousands of these types of recordings over the past two years so I'll keep looking and trying to create new videos to help people understand the other side like I do - whenever I have the time.

Stay tuned.

Richard, Gabriel's Messenger

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