Andrew Tate Teaching at Harvard Business School?!

1 year ago

A little over a month ago I realized that the bottleneck in my ability to learn was not having an open-form platform where I can discuss my ideas and what I'm learning with my peers. This led me to do some research on the best business programs in the country. There is a handful of them from Sanford to Wharton etc. However, the best "online" program I have found was Harvard's Business School.

I applied, explained how I only have a high school degree, went to Seton Hall University for 3 semesters then dropped out. Now, I have all these different business ventures I am involved with and "manage" a handful of real estate. Admissions loved me and welcomed me with open arms.

So now, here we are taking my first day of classes at Harvard with nothing but a high school degree and a heart full of ambition. Very excited to learn with the best and even more excited to get within the network of Harvard.


Be Blessed,

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