William S English Grudge/Blue Book 13 Part 1

2 years ago

To listen to Part 2 go to https://www.thecosmicswitchboard.com/2022/09/19/william-s-english-grudge-blue-book-13/

William S. English is a retired U.S. Army Special Forces Officer who served in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam War. He was part of a Special Forces team sent into Cambodia to secure the crash site of a B-52. What he and his team mates found was unsettling. Later he worked as a civilian at a NSA Facility in RAF Chicksands in Great Britain as a Data Analyst. He was given access to the Grudge/Blue Book 13 Report which was highly classified information about recovered Alien Craft, Detention Centers for people who had Extraterrestrial Encounters and much more. He endured a lot of harassment as a result of being granted temporary access to the Grudge/Blue Book 13 Report.

William has not spoken about his experiences for a long time. This is a critically important interview and a MUST LISTEN for all Truth Seekers.

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