Alzheimer's Prevention with Stem Cells and Cerebrolysin

1 year ago
128 (833) 445-9089
Hi, this is Josh dream body clinic. And today we're going to talk about Alzheimer's dementia, horrible diseases, and it's affecting more and more people every year, especially places like the United States and Canada, where you have pretty good size chunk of the population that's getting to that age where this can be an.
And it's debilitating it, uh, it leads to where you eventually must have, you know, memory care in these facilities. People have to watch their loved ones go through. So I've worked in memory care. I mean, it's not a fun place to be. They do great at taking care of these people, but what if there was a way to keep them from having it going at that home?
That'd be better, right? Well, with Mesenchymal stem cells, we are finding that that is slowing down the progression of Alzheimer's and dementia. We're even seeing it reverse some of the symptoms for people, and we're continuing to innovate, make sure that we're doing things that can help the most. So what we normally do is we do an intrathecal injection of 50 million medicinal stem cells.
This allows the cells to get up to the brain, no blood brain barrier to. Get there directly via the spinal fluid and start helping they're going to help the immune system there mostly macrophages, which are called glial cells, highly specialized for the brain. They are going to make sure any ways to any bacteria, anything that could be causing problems up there is wiped out or removed.
And as we get older, these things. You know, not as well, not as well. And by adding the stem cells are going to help that they're also going to send out trophic factors, which are going to guide neurons to regenerate neurons and regenerate nerves up and down the spinal cord central nervous system and in the brain.
So this combination, we are seeing patients that just kind of get that spark back in their eye. You can tell they're with it again, start paying attention. And by adding now we're taking it a next step further, because we're adding, what's called Cerebrolysin. Cerebrolysin is a medication. It has been approved in the United States or in Russia for decades.
Um, it, it is approved here in Mexico. Also. They're slowly working it into the United States and in Europe, but they're still making it very tough to get in most places. Fortunately, here in Mexico, we can, it very easy. We can send you home with it and you do 20 days of five milliliter injections. Every. And what it is, is a combination of 14 different peptides that are specific to brain health.
And what's great is that they're small enough to pass a blood brain barrier and they get up there and they start helping with regenerating tissue, helping the memory. And when you combine this with the stem cells, now you have them able to guide these different peptides, right. Where they need to go to help with brain health is just the perfect combo you could ever have.
Now Cerebrolysin. It is derived from pig. It seems strange, not cool, but they've found that their peptides are nearly identical to human. And by doing this whole filtration process and you know, all these things they do in the lab, they've been able to turn it into a medication.
So it is all natural. It is highly effective. They've done so many studies on this in Russia and other countries. And they've been using it as treatments for Alzheimer's and dementia for decades. I mean, it's incredible. So by adding this with the stem cells, we're just taking it a step further. We're also throwing in some El Carine injections.
These really help with regenerating dopamine receptors and with muscle retention, which always becomes an issue as we age. So hidden it from every angle that we can. This is the same protocol we've updated for all of our brain treatments, whether it's Alzheimer's dementia, Parkinson's traumatic brain injury stroke.
Um, this whole combo, this new protocol just helps better. So we're seeing results faster and longer. So if you'd like to learn more, get ahold of us, um, it's Or give us a call toll free at (833) 445-9089. I'm Josh. Happy to help.

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