3D Printed Retro LED Sign Pre-Orders Now OPEN!

1 year ago

There has been so much interest in the LED Signs I have been posting about I am creating the landing page for PRE-ORDERS as we speak on my 3D Printed Accessories Store. I will be producing 15 signs from this first run! If they sell well, I'll be adding more to the site soon!

Relive the days of classic 8-bit gaming greatness and add style to your game room with this LED Backlit sign! Features a USB Power cable with an inline power switch, this will speak to your love of retro gaming.

This LED light is 3D Printed to order using Hatchbox PLA. Definitely, a terrific conversation piece.


Roughly 195mm Wide
Roughly 48 1/2 mm tall
Roughly 5 ft USB A Power Cable with Inline power switch

One of the first prints I ever attempted when I first got a 3D printer was a Nintendo Logo Sign that you could install lights into. The issue I ran into was that the letters never fit into the white part of the print properly, they were just too big. I was thinking about trying to make this work again recently when a solution hit me: a 2-color print with a filament change mid-print!

I've been playing with this a lot lately, from a regular Nintendo Sign in red and white, a Black and Yellow Diskun, Nintendo's Famicom Disk System Mascott, and most recently, a Blue Sega Logo with white backdrop. It got me thinking, what if I do a 2 Color print with a filament change part way through, and instead of trying to fit the letters into place having them print in place?! So I took the designs, dropped them into Tinkercad, aligned the layers, sliced it in Cura, and started printing.

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