Will QAnon and the WHITE HATS bring in a new financial system of freedom and prosperity? (Short)

2 years ago

You may have heard that QAnon and the “white hats” in the military are going to finally implement NESARA, a new financial system that will lead to freedom and prosperity in America. What is the timeline for this transition to occur?
In this presentation, Peymon will discuss how quickly and smoothly America can make the transition to a new financial system, and what you can do to LIVE FREE NOW of the current financial system.
Peymon, founder of Freedom Law School in 1996, grew up in totalitarian Iran and moved to the land of the free and the home of the brave at age 14. He found out Americans are not nearly so free and brave as he thought! Peymon has taught thousands of Americans what the laws actually say, not what the IRS or income tax preparers say the laws say!

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