Walkthrough for Reinvestment of Weekly Payouts: TPI Spotlight Series: NovaTechFX.com

1 year ago

Team Prosperity Initiative presents a walkthrough of Reinvesting your Weekly Payouts of your NovaTechFX.com Affiliate Member PAMM Account.
This step-by-step walkthrough will provide the necessary steps for successful completion of this process. If you still have questions afterwards, please do not hesitate to email for further assistance with this process. support@teamprosperityinitiative.com
We are here to help!

Please visit our website, http://TeamProsperityInitiative.com to access detailed PDF files that supplement this video. There you will also have access to all of our other Spotlight Series and Walkthrough videos, other reference materials & other tools that may assist in support and successful navigation & utilization of the NovaTechFX website for your PAMM Account and Affiliate Business Membership.

Again, feel free to email us with any general questions at info@teamprosperityinitiative.com

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