6 Things to Know About Highly Creative People!!

2 years ago

6 Things You Didn’t Know About Highly Creative People

You may not realize that there are some differences between ordinary folks and
highly creative people. If you’re friends with people who are highly creative, you’ve
probably noticed they see the world in a slightly different way. But scientists have
now found that their brains not only work differently, but their neural hardwiring is
also unique. Creatives can sometimes be challenging to get along with, but it helps
to understand why.
1. They’re always thinking
Supercharged creative people always have something on the go. There’s always part
of their brain that’s still in the studio or still writing. Creatives are usually very
curious people, always wondering what if, or why? The problem-solving part of their
brain just doesn’t slow down.
2. They push back
One of the key characteristics of highly creative people is not taking the status quo
on face value. They like to push back, to poke and ask the difficult questions. You’ll
often hear the words ‘why?’ or ‘why not’ on their lips.
3. They follow their own path
To thine own self be true is the creative’s motto. Living authentically and in a way
that’s aligned with their values is an absolute priority for them. They don’t just
question the status quo, they reject following the herd, and they don’t mind having
unpopular opinions.
4. Their path isn’t linear
A highly creative person’s mind often works in loops or spirals. They don’t tend to
think in a linear, logical fashion and will often make great creative leaps. Einstein
famously said that imagination is more important than knowledge, and this is
exactly what he meant. The creative’s capacity to see connections can sometimes
border on genius.

5. Creatives need downtime and space.
Highly creative people will often work for extended periods and then need equal
amounts of downtime to recover their energy. This can mean solitude, but not
always as quiet companionships can be just as reviving as being alone. Scheduling
doesn’t work so well and can even stifle the creative spirit.
Similarly, creativity needs space, quiet, and separation from the day-to-day.
6. Creatives are storytellers
Highly creative people are often highly sensitive to images, metaphors, and stories.
Creativity is fundamentally about conveying a story from the artist to the viewer or
reader. The narrative is the most ancient way of passing on deep truths like creation
stories, heroic sagas. Creativity is the bedrock of humanity and a key element that
separates us from other creatures. Telling stories helps us understand the world, to
explain what we experience and to transcend the everyday.

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