Robot Take Over of "Art"?

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time":

Monday September 19, 2022 -

INTRO – marriage’ bill

Joe, Adrian, I and all of the Guadalupe Radio Network truly thank you for calling in your pledges last week for our Fall Shareathon. This radio apostolate is funded by your hard work and contributions... for the good of souls! This week we are back to our regularly scheduled program... do not adjust your radio...
We have a jam packed show today; with the saint AND gospel of the day, breaking news and stories coming up shortly, AND at 15 past the hour, we are going to have a discussion on whether:
“Can Artificial Intelligence Produce Art?”
AND at 35 past the hour, Joe Pojman will be on to provide some practical apologia tips to counteract the propaganda and myths being spread by so called pro choicers; for example: that pregnant WOMEN (not birthing persons) who seek abortions are going to be persecuted as criminals, as well as the classic mental gymnastics on whether treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is actually abortion. To talk about this, we have the WISE... the SHREWD... the IMPECCABLE... THE DEFENDER OF LIFE FROM WEST VIRGINIA: Brent Haynes (who was voluntold to come in and help us while Joe’s out canyoneering)

So, kick your feet up and get comfortable, let's jump into our show today by praying for your needs and for the conversion of sinners...

ALSO – Tito Edwards discusses “___?___”

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What’s Concerning Us –
“Can Artificial Intelligence Produce Art?”
The machine tends to cheapen art. See what happened when mass production took over the garment industry. Fabrics became cheaper and inexpensive, but fashion then became disconnected from the farmer, and tradition. (see “Hands” documentary on Irish linen weavers)
Art today is lifeless and we can seldom connect to it since its mass produced, we value it less and less (ikea).
So as we fight to bring back traditional cultural ideas, we must also bring back the trades, which are in danger of being lost. (Upholstery)

Guest Seg. Dr. Joe Pojman- Texas Alliance for Life
Myths and misconceptions of the pro choice movement
The corruption of defining terms
Is an ectopic pregnancy –an abortion?

Joe Social Media
IG: @TheCatholicHack
Twitter: @Catholic_Hack
Facebook: Joe McClane
YouTube: Joe McClane

Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

Adrian Social Media
IG: @ffonze
Twitter: @AdrianFonze
Facebook: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Catholic Conversations

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