The legacy of colonialism by Arikana Chihombori-Quao

2 years ago

I post these videos for Africans to know our history. Most of us only know the oppressors side and the glorification of their sordid past.
Watching these kind of videos should make us realise that we have no friends around the world. Every association and deal with any country forged with Africa by the West and China is based on what kind of advantage they'll gain from us. They are not looking for equity from us as the history of our world today validates.
The only way forward for us is to unite. That unity has been fractured, that unity has been compromised. Every African government is working for foreign interests and not for the benefit of Africans intentionally and non intentionally because of the compromising circumstances.
The key is a mindset change amongst with the awoke, we need to strive to educate those that still have the white Jesus complex syndrome. Thinking that our oppressors will save us.
Africa has everything, the world relies on Africa for survival, yet our does not benefit we the owners of the resources.
We need to unite, re-educate ourselves and work together to solve our unique African challenge.
That's tmy aim purpose of posting these educational video.
We need the Ubuntu spirit back. "I am because you are".

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